Chkuser 2.0 automatic patching
When to use automatic patching
The release.tar package contains some .patch files, ready for installation, trying to simplify the most frequent situations.
You may use one of these patches if you have these sources:
- a clean qmail 1.03 or netqmail 1.05
- qmail 1.03 or netqmail 1.05 patched with auth-0.4.2 (distributed with vpopmail within the contrib dir, author Erwin Hoffmann -
- qmail 1.03 or netqmail 1.05 patched with toaster-0.6-1 (author Bill Shupp - see for more info or newer releases)
You may also consider using one of these patches if you have additional compatible patches installed. This means that these additional patches should not have changed the same sources and lines which are going to be used by chkuser.
If you have any doubt, backup your sources and try the automatic installation, otherwise execute the manual installation (that's very easy).
Save you qmail working sources before making any change.
Basic installation
Download the newest release.tar package and untar it. It will create a directory containing all release chkuser files and patches.
Chose the most appropriate .patch file to be applied, according to your qmail installation: .patch files names are self-describing.
Position in the qmail/netqmail source directory:
$ cd /usr/.../netqmail-1.05
Apply selected patch:
$ patch < /path_to_chkuser_release_dir/netqmail-1.05_chkuser-2.x.x.patch
No errors should be displayed. If you see any error, better you restore your sources and go to manual editing.
editing vpopmail home path
If your production home path for vpopmail (or whatever you call him) user is NOT /home/vpopmail, you must perform the following additional actions.
Edit Makefile, changing the line referring to vpopmail's home path and putting the right home path:
Edit conf-cc, changing the string referring to vpopmail's home path and putting the right home path:
cc -O2 -I/home/vpopmail/include
chkuser settings
Edit chkuser_settings.h, uncommenting the options you prefer, and commenting the ones you don't want. Default settings should cover the most of situations.
Before version 5.3.25, vpopmail used the function vget_real_domain() to get the real name of a domain (useful if rcpt domain is aliasing another domain).
From version 5.3.25, this call is not available and has been substituted by other calls.
- #define CHKUSER_ENABLE_VGET_REAL_DOMAIN must be enabled if vpopmail version <
- #define CHKUSER_ENABLE_VGET_REAL_DOMAIN must be disabled if vpopmail version => 5.3.25
See the related settings pages for more informations.
Now, make (or gmake on *BSD) as your usual. No errors (just warnings) should come out. If you see any error, better you restore your sources and go to manual editing.
Select a domain, contained in your rcpthosts, for which bouncing is enabled, and run:
$ ./qmail-smtpd
mail from <wrong_sender>
mail from <right_sender>
rcpt to: <fake_user@your_domain>
rcpt to: <real_user@your_domain>
You should see error and ok messages, depending on the addresses you typed.
Copy the new executable in the /var/qmail/bin directory.
This patched qmail-smtpd must be executed in a different way than the normal one. See the running pages for detailed instructions.