Chkuser 2.0 - running with fixed UID/GID
You may use these instructions if you must execute qmail-smtpd, patched with chkuser, and have compatibility problems with SSL or other patches.
qmail-smtpd will be executed directy as vpopmail user, in order to access vpopmail resources and check for recipients existence.
qmail-smtpd must be installed normally (-r-xr-xr-x) and executed by tcpserver with -u vpopmail-user and -g vchkpw-group parameters.
Integrate qmail-smtpd in your start files:
As example, a real start command for qmail-smtpd may be
#!/bin/sh -e #
# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:/usr/local/bin" \
tcpserver -t 5 -v -p -x <your.tcp.smtp.cdb> \
-u <vpopmail-user> -g <vchkpw-group> -l <your-host.domain> \
0 smtp qmail-smtpd 2>&1 | splogger smtpd &
<vpopmail-user> = vpopmail uid&
<vchkpw-group> = vchkpw gid
<your-host.domain> = your host.domain (!)
<your.tcp.smtp.cdb> = your cdb
Important note
If you are using more system users for your domains, the fixed user to use (which I indicated as vpopmail) should be root.